Sunday, 31 October 2010

Bike Riders

The four boys went for a bike ride today. It was Tyler's first time in the bike trailer. He seemed to enjoy it.

First Solids

Tyler has started solids. The photo shows his first food - banana cut up into pieces. Finger food! The food he had in his first three days of solids were:
soft banana chunks
beetroot (at the Mess - from Dad!)
chilli crab leg (while out to dinner)
cheese, garlic and tomato paste grilled toast
grated apple
a piece of apple
a milk arrowroot biscuit.
He is really enjoying trying 'family food', and we are enjoying introducing him to food in this way (called baby-led weaning, or baby-led solids).

Friday, 29 October 2010

Day 5

Blake started painted his Christmas decorations today. They look great and his concentration for craft activities is excellent. Tyler enjoyed watching (for a little while).

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Day 4 Continued

After a quick trip to Frontline for some salt, we had a second attempt at today's activity, which was making Christmas decorations. The first dough I made while Kirsty was here was a failure, so after a hunt on the internet I found another recipe. Seemed to turn out OK - they are in the oven now. Here's a photo.
(Grandparents, please look surprised when you receive your Christmas ornament from Blake!)

Day 4

Day four was going to be making Christmas decorations, but I had a problem with materials so we did other stuff instead. Fortunately my good friend Kirsty was over today so we did other stuff with the children. Here's Blake playing with a puzzle.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Day 3

To reduce screen time (TV, computer, DS) Rohan came up with the idea of Nathan playing 'real' cards, rather than playing cards on the computer. Here is a photo of him playing Freecell after school.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

A week of new, fun activities Day 2

Today's new activity had to be very low-key, due to Blake and Tyler being sick. So we chose making birthday cards for two parties that Blake will be going to. Here he is in action.

Monday, 25 October 2010

A week of new, fun activities

I have decided to do some new activities with the boys this week. Blake will be the one who will benefit most because Nathan is pretty tired when he gets home from school.
Day 1 - Today I set up a kitchen sandpit for Blake, made in a tin with some oatbran that I had in the cupboard. This quickly got turned into a 'cooking' session as Blake added water to the tin. Then we got out the mixing bowls and tins and patty pans and Blake made ice-cream cakes. What fun!

After all the ice-cream cakes were made, Blake washed the dishes.

Growing Up

Our baby boy is growing up, he now sits up well in the stroller.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Some photos of the boys

A couple of photos that I like (the one of Tyler and Blake was taken today).

Saturday, 9 October 2010


We thought we would take the obligatory box photo of Tyler this afternoon, which quickly turned into a game of trains.